ScrumCardGame Online

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Are you running workshops or just playing with your team? This game is a perfect aid to run your Scrum workshops online to teach how to practice Scrum & Agile remotely! All you need is to put a team together and launch the ScrumCardGame

Scrum Card Game Online includes all the necessary elements to run an online workshop for one or multiple groups of 2-6 people.

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The purpose of the ScrumCardGame is to demonstrate the use of the Scrum method at the team level and introduce the basic practices like Team Planning, Work within iterations, Sprint Review + Retrospective as well as Debriefing after the game. It lets players experience work in Scrum sprints and brings to discussion many questions and topics that happen in real life while working in a Scrum team. This experience facilitates learning and makes participants prepared for the real use of Scrum.

For Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches, IT or Non-IT Managers, Engineering Managers, and Team Leaders who want to facilitate learning and prepare participants for the real use of Scrum.

How to play online

Pay attention, we assume that:

  • You have explained the Scrum framework before the play (otherwise, read this page)
  • You do explain the rules of the simulation and do a moderation during the play; also, debrief the learning experience after the play (if necessary, read the ScrumCardGame Rules page)
  • All participants have audio or audio+video connections outside of the game. This is necessary for teamwork and collaboration during the simulation.