Scrum Card Game offers a 14-day trial when you create an account. No credit card is required! The account is free during these first 14 days. The trial gives you access to the whole app without limits.
There is a 14-day free trial when you start using Scrum Card Game. When the 14 days are over, you won’t be able to access game creation. In order to continue using the game, you can pay for the subscription in your account to keep your access to the Online version as long as you need it.
You can suspend your trial at any time. It allows you to pause an active trial temporarily and re-activate it later.
You can control your trial on your own.
The whole play is usually 60 minutes on average.
The simulation aimed for 3 rounds (Sprints). If you are short in time, you could play 2 rounds.
I usually explain the Scrum method before or assume they already know it. I.e. it is not included in this time.
The first round goes slowly as people learn rules. I recommend adding rules one by one. You’ve probably read the ScrumCardGame rules, but in a short, I do like this:
– First, give the backlog only (Story cards). All the other cards, dice and etc don’t show for now
– Explain what priorities mean, and the estimate is given
– Ask to plan their first sprint – “how much do you feel you can finish in a 3-day round?”. The team should announce stories they believe they can finish and the total sum of estimates for the future debrief.
– When planning is done, I give them dice and explain it will be their effective hours per day.
– Plus I give Chance set (Events/Problems/Solutions shuffled together).
And this makes people understand the rules by doing, rather than forgetting immediately.
You could discuss every situation and coach group through each decision. The game will go slowly then. That could be a strategy if you have only one team.
Or you could do one big debriefing at the end. This is good when you run several groups in parallel.
Again, the average time is around one hour. You can do in 30 minutes when needed, or you could have another 1.5 hours debrief explained Scrum through the cases they have had in the game.
Yes, we don’t have any restrictions so far. As a Scrum trainer, you may benefit from using ScrumCardGame on Desktop and also Tablet or mobile devices.
Each Problem is just a case of possible situations that I’ve seen in real life with teams I was coaching and working with. So, as in real life, each problem may have more than one solution.
The main criteria – ask the group: “In your real work, would you apply such Solution to this kind of Problem?”. If the group could come up with an example or idea of how to apply this Solution – this is probably the right solution 😉
Technically, by game design, each Problem may be solved with more than one Solution or Event card.
The team decides how many tasks each player and the team as a whole should complete. Priority of the tasks is the team’s decision, too.
Tasks will be automatically transferred to the Done status when there are no Problems without a Solution — or when there are zero hours to complete the Story left.
Play unlimited scenarios with your team. Repeat Simulation every week to integrate Scrum practices into your work and learn to apply them.
The team can debrief and calculate the number of Stories, completed in the Sprint, compared to the previous estimation via virtual conferencing tools. Choose virtual conferencing tools you & your team prefer (Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, etc.)